Today’s H1Z1 Patch To Address Client Options, Frame Rates & Floating Arrows

Sony Online Entertainment struggled to reach expectations with the recent release of H1Z1 with servers suffering hours of downtime following its launch last week. The official countdown on the Steam store page reached 60 minutes and remained at or around that mark for several hours before finally unlocking to the public. Once it was released players were unable to join servers for many hours following, resulting in thousands of outraged posts and comments across the internet.

Sony Online Entertainment President, John Smedley, has responded to the criticisms of the early access client. The developers have already said they are working on improving the airdrop mechanic after accusations of a pay-to-win model surfaced, and today they hope to release a patch that will address server frame rates, client stability and server options.

This is meant to be kind of a starter list. The team is off today. The game is stable and the team needs a breather. Tomorrow is a holiday for SOE but we’re going to be in here anyways because we want to address these issues. Please add any immediate fix stuff here and we’ll try and get it in. Again, your help with self policing threads and getting a positive community going is requested. We’re only trying to focus on the stuff we all feel is important. Please help us with focusing on what we need to.

For more information check out the Reddit post.

Today’s H1Z1 Patch To Address Client Options, Frame Rates & Floating Arrows