As of late 2012, League of Legends had 32 million active players— more than the number World of Warcraft subscribers– notice how I say ACTIVE, League of Legends has 70 million registered players, that is more than double the number of regularly active players. At a single moment during the day, there may be as many as 3 million players online—which seems pretty ridiculous. So many people play that Teemo, a champion within the game, statistically dies 75 times a second.

The total cumulative play hours, since 2004, for Halo is approximately 2 billion, but every single month League of Legend gets over 1 billion hours. Let me emphasize, in 6 years Halo got the same play time League of Legends does in 2 months. There are millions of gamers from over 145 countries that play League of Legends.

Since 2012, the numbers have only increased. League of Legends has gained so many faithful followers for a reason. What is that reason you may wonder? It is fun with addicting gameplay, professionally competitive and has constantly expanding content.League of Legends was first released as Beta in 2009. After its release, it quickly began expansion. It hit European shores in the same year of its release. In July of 2010, League of Legends began season one of its championship series.

Dota 2 blew up at the beginning of this year coming close to League of Legends concurrent player count. However, Riot questioned the initial claim by the DFC, and after a second look we find that League of Legends sees “over 500,000 peak concurrent players every day on just the EU West shard.” Dota 2’s highest EVER concurrent player count is 325,897 users worldwide.   Three years later, we are coming to the end of season 4, and it is still  unrivaled in sheer player mass. League is on top as the most played video game in the world.








League of Legends: The Most Played Video Game in the World

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