Identity News
Kickstarter hasn’t been the most attractive of opportunities for gamers recently and with an increasing amount of projects going awry, many are losing their confidence in the concept. However, Altis Life creator and veteran developer John VanderZwet (Paratus) hopes to reignite that flame with the beginning of the financial marathon campaign for Identity. Asylum Entertainment’s Founder hopes to reinvent the core MMO formula with a series of innovative design decisions, unique mechanics and thorough features.

Among the more noteworthy elements of Identity are:

  • An enormous online and persistent world controlled in almost every aspect by the players living within it.
  • Player-driven gameplay and economy with dozens of jobs and epic careers.
  • Action and fun around every corner with a player police force, gangs, cartels, businesses and more.
  • More casual games than we can list, from karaoke and cinemas to paintball matches and more.
  • Play on the official servers or host your own with your own rules and options.
  • No subscription fees and never pay-to-win.

The game has only been under development for the past few months and has featured a skeleton crew to this point. Further financial backing will see the team expand and introduce more features ahead of its intended release.

For years now, MMORPGs have lost their way. What was once a genre about exploring and living in a new world has now become a treadmill to keep you playing the same game over and over again. Identity is changing things.

Gone are all artificial restrictions keeping you away from the content you want to play! Instead of levels and character skills dictating what you can do, Identity focuses on your actions and building a character around what you find fun. Jump into the world and start making a name for yourself in any way you choose.

The video does a great job of introducing potential players to the unique elements of Identity and it’s enough to get even the most pessimistic of gamers. Check it out.

Heavy Roleplay MMORPG Hits Kickstarter – Fueled By Altis Life