Nexon has just released its newest title, Extraction, in closed beta. It is an MMOFPS (massively multi-player online first person shooter). Much like other FPSs, players will need tactics and strategical teamwork in order to achieve victory. Here are some interesting features in the game:

  • Dozens of mercenaries, each with their own skill sets
  • Amazing graphics
  • Tactical, objective-based gameplay
  • Utilizes ECHO, which is a powerful analytics and telemetry system that’ll let YOU, the community, help shape the game and keep it balanced
  • Focuses on skill equaling success, promoting that “no kill is paid for”

The game is set in London after a mysterious attack that left the entire city contaminated. Teams of mercenaries will battle in the dangerous streets in attempt to uncover or destroy the secrets in the city.

Extraction Preview