At the beginning of day 5,OMG remains undefeated and SKT T1’s first day mistakes are all but forgotten. A victory from TSM could possibly keep them alive and also give hope to European team, Lemondogs. It may have been possible for TSM to come out on top, but SKT and OMG are a daunting sight to the confidence of North American team, TSM.

SKT T1 allowed Lemondogs to pick Zed during the pick stages; was that a product of their overconfidence or possibly a sign of disrespect? SKT’s mid-laner, Faker, picked up Riven, which came as a surprise to much of the crowd, possibly a further insult to Lemondogs. There is much controversy over SKT’s picks and bans. Was it meant as an insult, or just a innovative pick? Faker’s Riven made a flashy distraction, with early aggression giving Lemondogs First Blood. Faker continued to play Riven aggressively, beating Nukeduck back and roaming the map to aid his teammates. SKT dominated during this game, crushing European hopes for advancement in Group A.

SKT’s next matchup was with NA fan favorites TSM. Once again SKT allowed Zed to come through and Faker picked up Riven. As expected, TSM picked up Zed. The NA team built a pretty fearsome composition with Zed, Karthus, Twitch, Support Annie, and Elise. However SKT had a secret weapon in their last pick- Jax, who proved to be unstoppable when pushing lane.

Dyrus’ Karthus was zoned pretty hard early game; however, Dyrus used Karthus’ ult, Requiem, after death, evening up the game with a surprising kill on Impact and turning around the skirmish on bottom lane, giving Dyrus a double kill and allowing WildTurtle and the OddOne to clean up SKT’s Piglet.

The matchup was close throughout the game, and possibly one of TSM’s best games against SKT, but it wasn’t enough. SKT began taking down turrets, and Jax pushing bottom went uncontested by TSM. After a brutal team fight, SKT aced TSM and pushed for the win.

Day 5 pretty much sets the standings for Group A’s group stage. There were some pretty close match-ups, but it seems that OMG and SKT T1 will be Group A’s picks for Quarter Finals, we will only know for sure after Day 6.

Team Wins Losses
OMG 6 0
SK Telecom T1 5 1
TSM Snapdragon 2 4
Lemondogs 2 4
Gaming Gear.EU 0 6

Day 5 Recap LOL World Championships